Breaking News in Florida Criminal Law by Attorney Jack Palmeri – January, 2024

Florida 6th DCA Before and After Map (from website)

Cases we’ll cover include Possession of Cocaine, suppression, Disorderly Conduct, search incident to lawful arrest, illegal arrest, Lewd of Lascivious Molestation of a Child Twelve Years of Age or Older But Less than Sixteen Years of Age, clergy-penitent privilege, Florida Statutes § 90.505, Florida Statutes § 790.25, Carrying a Concealed Firearm, Florida Statutes § 790.01, probable cause, search warrant, warrant application, downward departure sentence, Sexual Battery, Exploitation of an Elderly or Disabled Adult, Fraudulent Use of Personal Information, Money Laundering, DUI Manslaughter, Vehicular Homicide, Due Process, Ex Post Facto, Single Homicide Rule, Burglary of a Dwelling, DNA evidence, DNA testing, statute of limitations, speedy trial, writ of prohibition, firearms possession, sale of cannabis, and more.

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