Latest News in New York Criminal Law by Defense Attorney Jason Russo – December, 2023

New York State Unified Court System Seal

Cases that we’ll cover include identification, in-court identification, CPL § 30.30, Certificate of Compliance, illusory, speedy trial, CPL § 245.20, late discovery, late disclosure, Speedy Trial, canine search, canine sniff, Fourth Amendment, abandonment, suppression, right to counsel, Murder in the Second Degree, immigration consequences, Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument in the Third Degree, Attempted Identity Theft in the Second Degree, Predatory Sexual Assault Against a Child, Rape in the First Degree, Rape in the Second Degree, Criminal Sexual Act in the Second Degree, waiver of indictment, Superior Court information, Class A Felony, jurisdictionally defective, Failure to Register as a Sex Offender, Criminally Negligent Homicide, Reckless Driving, Obscene Sexual Performance by a Child, Penal Law § 263.11, downward departure, Level One Sex Offender, mitigating factors, Level Two Sex Offender, and more.

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