Jaime T. Halscott
Jaime T. Halscott is the Managing Partner of Appeals Law Group, a Florida-based law firm concentrating in criminal appeals, civil appeals, post-conviction relief, habeas corpus petitions, and executive clemency petitions. He can he reached at 407-255-2165 or www.appealslawgroup.com

Washington, D.C. – The United States Supreme Court has refused to hear Derek Chauvin’s appeal on Monday, November 20, 2023. Chauvin was convicted of murder for the killing of George Floyd after he choked him to death during an arrest. He petitioned the United States Supreme Court to review his case after losing his trial and appeals in the Minnesota Supreme Court. You can read his petition HERE:
Docket # 23-416 – Derek Michael Chauvin v. State of Minnesota – Petition for Writ of Certiorari
The Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association also petitioned the Supreme Court to hear Chauvin’s appeal. You can read their petition HERE:
Chauvin is currently serving a 22 1/2 year sentence in Minnesota state prison for Second Degree Unintentional Murder, Third Degree Murder, and Second Degree Manslaughter. Chauvin is also separately serving a Federal prison sentence for violation of George Floyd’s civil rights. He pleaded guilty in the Federal prosecution following his state court conviction. Recently, Chauvin file a motion to set aside his Federal conviction, arguing newly-discovered evidence shows his actions did not cause George Floyd’s death.
Floyd’s death and Chauvin’s actions sparked the Black Lives Matter movement, nationwide protests and riots in 2020 following the release of video footage of the incident.
The Supreme Court case is Docket # 23-416 – Derek Michael Chauvin v. State of Minnesota.
Criminal Defense lawyer, criminal defense attorney, Federal appeal lawyer, Federal appeals lawyer, Federal appeals lawyers, Federal appeal attorney, Federal appeal attorneys, Federal Appeals Attorney, Federal Appeals Attorneys, Federal criminal defense lawyer, federal criminal appeal lawyer, Appeals Law Group
Derek Chauvin, Black Lives Matter, George Floyd, Second Degree Unintentional Murder, Third Degree Murder, Second Degree Manslaughter